Child Welfare Data Reports

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This section provides all of the publicly available Massachusetts Department of Children and Families data reports we are aware of.  It also includes relevant Juvenile Court statistics. Not all of these are currently easily accessible online. This site includes:

Please note that not all reports required by state law are publicly available.

If you are aware of other publicly available reports that contain data from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, please let us know by emailing

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Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (Children's Bureau/ACF)
Department of Children and Families
Juvenile Court Department
Department of Children and Families
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (Children's Bureau/ACF)
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
Department of Children and Families
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (Children's Bureau/ACF)
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Department of Children and Families