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#Close the SNAP Gap in MA

Immigrants and Public Benefits

SNAP and College Students

SNAP and the Medical Expense Deduction


Welcome to the Benefits Practice Area section. Benefits is a large practice area including SNAP (food stamps), cash assistance (TAFDC, EAEDC), emergency assistance, and welfare-related employment support services such as child care and transportation.

Resource Library Materials: Browse the library by topic by clicking on a link in the sidebar to the left. If a listed topic also has subtopics, you can find out what these are by clicking on the triangle. Or, use the search, particularly if you want information on cross substantive issues or wish to restrict your search to a particular kind of document.

Resource Library Materials:  Browse the library by topic by clicking on a link in the sidebar to the left. If a listed topic also has subtopics, you can find out what these are by clicking on the plus sign. Or, use the search, particularly if you want information on cross substantive issues or wish to restrict your search to a particular kind of document.

For the latest information on the SNAP campaign in Massachusetts, check out the FoodSNAP Coalition blog.

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