4. What if I have already been approved for SSI/SSDI or MassHealth Disability?
SSI/SSDI Approval: If you have already been approved to receive SSI or SSDI, you do not need to go through the EAEDC disability determination process and you do not need to submit a medical report. 106 C.M.R. ยงยง 703.191(A)(2) and (E)(4).
Bring in your approval notice, ALJ decision, or any other document that you have that shows that you have been approved.
Once your SSI checks start, your EAEDC case will be closed. See Question 42 regarding reimbursements from the first retroactive SSI check.
MassHealth Disability: Approval for MassHealth disability is not a basis for automatic EAEDC disability.
However, if you have a MassHealth disability determination and there are at least 60 days remaining in the approval period for the disability status, DES should consider you disabled for EAEDC and not do a new disability evaluation. See DTA Transitions, June 2009, p. 7.
DTA Policy Guidance: