About MLRI, Acknowledgements, and Copyright
About Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute is a statewide legal advocacy and support center. Our mission is to represent low-income people, elders, and disabled people in their struggle for basic human needs, to defend against policies and actions that harm and marginalize people living in poverty, and to advocate for systemic reforms that achieve social and economic justice. Our activities include advice, litigation, policy analysis, research, technical assistance and public information.
MLRI thanks legal services and lay advocates for low-income people in Massachusetts who help EAEDC applicants and recipients obtain the benefits to which they are entitled and who work to make EAEDC a better program for poor families and individuals. This 2017 Guide was updated by Marion Hohn of Central West Justice Center. The original 2008 Guide was written by Patricia Baker, Senior Policy Analyst, of the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, and Laura Gallant, on loan to MLRI from then Neighborhood Legal Services of Lynn. Special thanks to Gale Halpern for her technical assistance with the 2008 Guide and Lena Wilson for her assistance with this 2017 Guide. MLRI is grateful to Attorney Ron Eskin, Attorney, Marianne LeBlanc, and the Mass Legal Services website project for their support of the 2017 EAEDC Advocacy Guide. September 2017
© 2017 by Massachusetts Law Reform Institute and Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc.
All rights reserved. Permission to reprint must be obtained from both the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute and Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc.
Library of Congress Card Number: 2180275B05 ISBN: 1-68345-054-X LCCN: 2017952896