DTA Assistance Line phone menu flyers prepared by MLRI and MSAC

Earlier this month, the Massachusetts Senior Action Council (MSAC) asked MLRI to create flyers to help older-adults navigate the DTA Assistance Line and access their SNAP balance. Many of their older adult members wanted to know how they could access their EBT balance before they went food shopping. Many older adults do not have a DTAConnect account and may be less comfortable with online navigation. There can be long wait times on the Senior Assistance Line, and the EBT customer service line can be equally daunting. We explained to MSAC that SNAP households can get current automated EBT balance information from the DTA Assistance Line, but we also know that the DTA Assistance Line phone menu can be confusing to navigate. MSAC asked MLRI to create these step-by-step flyers to access current EBT balance information. 
We are currently in the process of translating these flyers into additional languages. Once we have gotten the translations, we will add it to the Google Drive folder below (of which all of you should have access). Attached below is the original English version of the flyers, as well as a Spanish translation. Please let me know if you have any feedback from your clients or need additional resources. 
Thank you!
Attachment Size
English (1).pdf (115.39 KB) 115.39 KB
English (2).pdf (115.63 KB) 115.63 KB
Spanish _ Español.pdf (114.21 KB) 114.21 KB
Spanish _ Español-2.pdf (114.88 KB) 114.88 KB