Ops Memo 2013-06: TAFDC, EAEDC and SNAP – FY 2011 and 2012 Audit Findings: Card Issuance Procedures


The Single Audit Act of 1984 established requirements for audits of States, Local governments and Indian tribal governments that administer Federal financial assistance programs. Each year as a result of this act, the Department is subject to the Single State Audit conducted by an impartial auditing firm. It is the responsibility of this firm to ensure that the Department is in compliance with the requirements of this federal act. As part of the Single State Audit, all facets of the Department are examined, including compliance with Federal/State policy and procedures. The overall report from the auditors was very favorable; however some findings were noted.

Purpose of Operations Memo
This Operations Memo:

  • describes the recent audit findings related to EBT card issuance which occurred due to misapplication of policy/procedure;
  • advises TAO staff of new policy/procedures as a result of the findings; and
  • reminds TAO staff that the Benefit Issuance Unit at Central Office is an available resource for questions on any aspect of EBT operation.
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OM 2013-6.pdf (33.98 KB) 33.98 KB