Hotline 03/11: SNAP, telephone interview, NOMI


Q. What are the required processing rules when a SNAP Application Appointment letter for a telephone interview is sent, but the client ends up missing his scheduled appointment?

A. SNAP regulations require that a Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI) be sent to an applicant who does not appear for the scheduled interview. The NOMI can be BEACON-generated for pending cases.

Q. How soon after the missed appointment should I send the NOMI?

A. The NOMI should be sent as soon as possible, but no later than two days after the date of the missed interview.

Q. What are the steps to generate a NOMI in BEACON?

A. To generate a NOMI for your applicant:

  • Enter the SSN in the SSN field of the Client Search Page;
  • Click on the Letter Request icon located on the task bar;
  • Select NOMI from the dropdown list in the Letter field;
  • Generate and print the letter; and
  • Click on Save.

For more information on application processing and missed appointments, refer to Field Operations Memo 2006-30, FS (NPA and PA) Application Processing Guideline; Field Operations Memo 2007-16, BEACON-Generated Food Stamp Application Appointment Letters and the Food Stamp Notice of Missed Interview; Field Operations Memo 2007-39, Food Stamp Program: Negative Errors; and Field Operations Memo 2008-59, SNAP Negative Errors and Application Processing.

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