Field Ops Memo 2009-59: EAEDC and TAFDC – SSI Extension of Benefits

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) which provides income assistance to lowincome seniors and persons with disabilities. A law enacted in 1996 granted refugees and certain immigrants eligibility for SSI benefits for seven years. A new law, “The SSI Extension for Elderly and Disabled Refugees Act”, has temporarily extended SSI eligibility for these refugees and immigrants for an additional two years. In June, SSA sent a letter (Attachment A) to clients who could potentially benefit from this extension of SSI benefits. SSI offers increased financial resources for our EAEDC and TAFDC clients. Case managers are reminded: - EAEDC clients must apply for SSI as a condition of eligibility; and - to encourage TAFDC clients to apply for SSI.
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