Immigrant rights training, TAFDC Basic Benefits training, SNAP and college students.
We know many of you are anxious about what you are reading in the news since early November. We want to pass on some important information, as well as share some good news on a few fronts.
Our next SNAP Coalition meeting is on Tuesday, December 3 from 10-11:30 (while we typically meet the fourth Tuesday of every month, we combine November and December into one meeting). We will be discussing the federal landscape and other timely priorities. (Zoom for that meeting here).
Immigrants and Benefits - Training Wed. Dec 4th and Know Your Rights Materials
We are writing to share an upcoming Know Your Rights training sponsored by the Mass Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA).
This training is for advocates and service providers (not immigrant families directly). This training will cover basic Know Your Rights information such as interactions with immigration enforcement including when immigration comes to a home or stops someone while driving. family preparedness (if parents are separated from children); public charge (how public benefits receipt impacts immigration status) and where to get legal help and information on notario fraud and immigration scams.
December 4 from 1-2pm via zoom. This training is FREE. To register and ask any Qs you would like answered, click Register
And here are some preliminary materials in multiple languages from the National Immigration Law Center and the MIRA Coalition. And here’s MLRI info on the current public charge rules.
TAFDC Basic Benefits Training - Tuesday, Dec. 3
Just a reminder that our MLRI and GBLS advocates who specialize in cash benefits are doing a day long training on the TAFDC Program - Cash Assistance Program for Families. The training - offered both in person at MCLE in downtown Boston and online - provides an overview of program rules and eligibility, as well as information about recent policy and practice changes. The training will also cover applying for and keeping TAFDC benefits, and protections for specific populations including people with disabilities, people dealing with domestic violence, and people with limited English proficiency. Child care and immigration topics will also be covered.
Register by clicking here. Be sure to select Legal Services Advocacy or Non-Lawyer Advocate to get the discounted rate ($35). (We realize this is the same day as our special 12/3 SNAP Coalition AM meeting - with apologies).
SNAP for low income college students - Dept of Higher Ed Advisory
In the past week the Department of Higher Ed began emailing over 77,000 MA college students who receive financial aid with information about SNAP benefits. (The email is itself personalized to the student). See a sample of the email sent here.
This was a priority of the Hunger Free Campus Coalition. Huge thanks to DTA and DHE for collaborating on this outreach to students. For more info on SNAP for students, check out more info HERE.
DTA and Large Print Client Notices
DTA recently issued a reminder to community groups that DTA clients can elect to receive certain written notices in large print! Clients can request large print notices by speaking to any DTA staff member on the DTA Assistance Line or at a local office. To get help with accommodations, contact a Client Assistance Coordinator (CAC) at any local DTA office. Check out information on DTA’s webpage on how to reach a CAC and the list of local office CACs.