Coalition meeting next Tuesday, 10/22 - agenda & Zoom link
Thank you to all who acted quickly over the long weekend to sign on to the access recommendations shared with DTA (final letter is linked below). For those who were not able to participate in last week’s call or sign-on, not to worry - this is an ongoing conversation. Please join us at Coalition on Tuesday! We look forward to a robust and informative conversation with DTA and Coalition partners on access issues.
Thank you also to everyone who testified at one of the Poverty Commission hearings and/or submitted written testimony (deadline to submit written testimony was Wednesday, 10/15). Testimony from Feeding Our Neighbors on state SNAP is posted here, and MLRI’s testimony on ways to improve and expand the benefits of SNAP is here. We would value seeing what others submitted, please send testimony to Vicky.
Coalition meeting Tuesday, 10/22 from 10-11:30
Zoom link here. Agenda will include:
Federal updates / checking in on the Farm Bill
DTA discussion, updates, and issue sharing
Discussion about access recommendations: Click here to see the recommendations compiled/informed by partners and families & shared with DTA. Please come ready to share what you are seeing and suggestions with DTA.
Summer EBT: Expungement deadline for unspent Summer EBT is coming for the majority of families in late November, and focus on outreach to families who have not PINed the Summer EBT card yet! DTA sent texts last week (around 10/10) to families who have not PINed their cards yet.
Other updates/issues
Brief overview of the SNAP deductions and how to maximize SNAP benefits
And, a reminder we will have a special post-election meeting for community partners on Friday, November 8 from 10-11 AM (Zoom for that meeting here). Our November and December regular Coalition meetings are combined due to the holidays - our final regular meeting of the year will be Tuesday, December 3 from 10-11:30 (Zoom for that meeting here).