OLGT 2024-54: Cross Programs: Update to Refugee Assistance Payments: Matching Grant Program (MG)


On July 13, 2022, the Department issued Online Guide Transmittal 2022-55 Cross Programs: Refugee Assistance Payments. This transmittal and relevant Online Guide page advised that qualifying noncitizens present in the US could be eligible for cash assistance payments administered by the Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI).

Since this release, an additional payment type called Matching Grant Program (MG) has been identified as an alternative to the Refugee Cash Assistance Program (RCA). The Matching Grant program is a public-
private partnership employment program administered by local resettlement agencies and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). It provides cash and in-kind contributions to eligible, recently arriving noncitizens that are
authorized to work in the US as an alternative to other cash assistance programs until they find employment and achieve financial self-sufficiency.

Treatment of this income for SNAP purposes is based on the details of the award letter from the resettlement agency administering the payments:

  • Recurring payments that are paid directly to the client are countable.
  • Recurring or nonrecurring vendor payments, paid to a third-party vendor such as a property owner on behalf of the client, are noncountable.
  • One-time, nonrecurring payments are noncountable.

Recipients of TAFDC and EAEDC are ineligible for Matching Grant payments. Because the Matching Grant is intended for those who are able to work, EAEDC recipients or applicants indicating they have a disability or health condition that prevents them from working are not to be encouraged to apply for the Matching Grant program.

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