MassHealth and language access
Hello all, and happy spring! A few language access-related updates and opportunities:
MassHealth Language Access Plan- Updated
MassHealth updates its language access plan every two years. On March 28, they published their updated Language Access Plan for Jan 2024-Dec 2025. Click here to read it. Note that the appendix includes a helpful list of contact information for various units at MassHealth, such as the Estate Recovery Unit, the Premium Assistance Unit, and more.
Please Share MLRI's Survey on MassHealth Customer Service and Language Access
As part of our effort to shine a light on how MassHealth can improve access for people whose preferred language is not English, we are conducting a survey of MassHealth members and applicants about their experiences with the MassHealth phone line and interpretation services. Participants who respond by April 26th will have a chance to win one of five $50 cash prizes. See below for translated flyers -- please pass along to your networks!
Register for the 2024 Language Access Conference
The 2024 Language Access Conference is a little over a week away! It will be taking place virtually on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 9am to 3:30pm. This is a really informative and interactive conference- we encourage you to attend! Click here to read about the agenda and register for the conference.
Our regularly scheduled Health Care Working Group meeting will still begin at 3pm on April 24. Stay tuned for more information about our meeting agenda.