Upcoming SSI/SSDI and TAFDC Cash Assistance Trainings (11/8 and 12/4); Sign-on Letter to Guv Healey re EA Shelter
We have two important Basic Benefits Trainings coming up, SSI on November 8th and TAFDC on December 4th. Due to the upcoming holidays, the November/December combined SNAP Coalition meeting is Tuesday, December 5th, 10 - 11:30 AM. We resume the 4th Tuesday of each month meeting schedule in January.
In addition, the organizational sign on letter to Governor Healey re the EA shelter crisis is still open for more signatures. See more below.
Basic Benefits Training on SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and Social Security Disability, November 8, 2023
Social Security disability programs continue to be a major source of cash and health benefits for individuals with disabilities. The program begins with an overview of the two disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration, with emphasis on eligibility requirements and procedures, including online procedures and any remaining COVID-19 related procedures, basic disability eligibility standards and non-disability issues such as income, resources, and non-citizen criteria. The afternoon includes an explanation of recently revised evidence submission and analysis rules, an overview of the appeals process for disability applications and a review of certain post-entitlement issues (special emphasis on continuing disability reviews, work incentives rules, and benefits overpayments).
The training is for legal services advocates, lawyers in private practice who are thinking of representing clients before SSA, social and health workers, and community activists.
Register HERE. Click on non-lawyer advocate to get the low registration fee).
Basic Benefits Training on TAFDC Cash Assistance, December 4th 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
The training provides an overview of Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) program rules and eligibility, as well as information about recent policy and practice changes. We will also cover applying for and keeping TAFDC benefits, and protections for specific populations including people with disabilities, people dealing with domestic violence, and people with limited English proficiency. In the afternoon, there will be breakout sessions on child care and noncitizen eligibility/public charge. Note, the December 2019 TAFDC Advocacy Guide edition is available free at https://www.masslegalservices.
This training is for legal services advocates, lawyers in private practice, social and health services workers, and community activists who want to learn about TAFDC (Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children)—the cash assistance program for families. Register HERE. Click on non-lawyer advocate to get the low registration fee.
Organizational Sign-On Letter to Governor Healey re EA Shelter - Join us!
MLRI is continuing to work with Mass Coalition for the Homeless (MCH) and the Citizens’s Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) urging Governor Healey to implement a number of recommendations for improving the Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter system including: streamlining access to RAFT, expanding the HomeBASE program and preserving existing public housing tenancies See PDF letter delivered to Governor Healey on 11/6/23 with the endorsing organizations HERE.
Join us! MLRI, MCH and CHAPA are accepting and updating sign-ons for the online version of the letter. If you are not listed as an organizational signer but would like to join, please complete this organizational sign-on Google form to add your organization's name as a signatory.