Upcoming webinars on MassHealth Redeterminations & ACO Relaunch

Hello all, and happy Wednesday! 

Here are several upcoming webinars that you might be interested in:
1. MassHealth Health Plan Updates: Relaunch of ACO Programs (tomorrow!)
2. Organizations Interested in Becoming Certified Application Counselors
3. MassHealth Redeterminations for Aging Services Network
4. MassHealth Redeterminations for Members Experiencing Homelessness
5. MassHealth Redeterminations for Kids and Families
6. MassHealth Redeterminations and Renewal Update: Phase 2
1. MassHealth Health Plan Updates: Relaunch of ACO Programs
Thursday, March 16, 2:00-3:30pm
 MassHealth originally launched the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) program in March 2018. Through a re-procurement, MassHealth selected 17 healthcare organizations to participate in the MassHealth ACO program. The new health plans will launch on April 1, 2023. In February, members were mailed notices providing updates about their enrollment in the MassHealth health plan. 
At the end of the webinar, you’ll be able to: Identify MassHealth’s health plan options available for selection starting April 1, 2023; describe the types of messages members may receive about their health plan enrollment; identify key dates, continuity of care period, and actions; explain how members can learn, find a MassHealth health plan or providers, and enroll in a plan.

2. Organizations Interested in Becoming Certified Application Counselors (CACs)

Monday, March 20, 3:00-4:00pm

Meeting link:  https://umassmed.zoom.us/j/97855102878?pwd=ejRiVEt2Sm4xeU1zYklTbkJwQW0vQT09


This webinar is for members of any organizations who frequently work with MassHealth members whose organization may be interested in becoming a Certified Application Counselor (CAC) organization. CACs do not work for MassHealth but are trained by MassHealth and Massachusetts Health Connector to help apply for health insurance benefits, enroll in health plans, and maintain insurance benefits. This is an information session, and there is no commitment to becoming a CAC organization by attending.     



3. MassHealth Redeterminations for Aging Services Network

Tuesday, March 21, 11:30am-12:30pm

Click here to register 


Please join EOEA and MassHealth for an informational webinar on the MassHealth redetermination process that will begin on April 1st. We will share information on the process, ways to support older adults with their renewal, as well as outreach tools. There will be time for questions and answers.
This webinar is for members of the aging services network and is closed to the press.


4. MassHealth Redeterminations for Members Experiencing Homelessness

Wednesday, March 22, 3:30-4:30pm

Meeting link: https://umassmed.zoom.us/j/98703172675?pwd=bnN6elY5L29vYmdFclJRd3E1d1pXUT09


This webinar will provide a general overview of what MassHealth redeterminations are and why they are particularly important this year. It will also provide information specifically relevant to redeterminations for MassHealth members experiencing homelessness and explain what organizations who work with members experiencing homelessness can do to ensure these members do not lose their Masshealth coverage. There will be time allocated at the end for questions. 



5. MassHealth Redeterminations for Kids and Families

Wednesday, March 23, 3:00-4:00pm

Click here to register


This webinar will provide a general overview of what MassHealth redeterminations are and why they are particularly important this year. It will explain what members, and the organizations that support them, can do to ensure that MassHealth members maintain the best coverage they are eligible for. It will also provide information specifically relevant for MassHealth children or parents of children on MassHealth. 


Who should attend: Schools and educators, school-based healthcare and social services staff, government agency staff and caseworkers, social service or community organizations serving children & families, healthcare providers serving children & families, any other individual providing support to children & families.



6. MassHealth Redeterminations and Renewals Update: Phase 2

Click here to register for Thursday, March 23, 2:00-3:00pm; or
Click here to register for Tuesday, March 28, 10:00-11:00am

During this webinar MassHealth will highlight key tools and resources members and community partners can access to ensure that MassHealth can reach members, help members understand and find support to complete their redetermination.


After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe MassHealth’s 2023-2024 Redetermination Process
  • Identify key timelines and steps for member action
  • Explain how members can find supporting resources in the community
  • Identify awareness and support materials for members, partners and stakeholders

MassHealth will review the same information during both the March 23 and March 28 sessions. 


And finally, in case you missed it, you can now watch a recording of MassHealth's webinar on phase one of the redetermination process. This webinar highlighted key tools and resources members and community partners can access to ensure that MassHealth can reach members when it is time for their renewal.