ACTION NEEDED to Senators Warren and Markey: Lame-Duck Congress Must Include Long Overdue Child Nutrition Reauthorization Improvements in End of the Year Spending Package

Tnx to all who attended the SNAP Coalition meeting this AM and Thnx to our friends at the Food Research and Action Center for leading the discussion on federal issues.
Please see the FRAC Action Alert below. We need folks to contact Senator Markey and Senator Warren's office THIS WEEK!  Today would be great. We are asking Warren and Markey to weigh in with the Senate Ag Committee to ensure passage of the Child Nutrition provisions in the final end of year spending package. Here are the links with their emails and phone numbers:
Let us know if you have questions or need help.

ACTION NEEDED: Lame-Duck Congress Must Include Long Overdue
Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) Improvements in
End of the Year Spending Package

Congress must ensure that children in preschool, school-based, and out of school time settings have improved access to nutritious meals. It’s been 12 years since Congress reauthorized the child nutrition programs, and we cannot let more years slip by before passing legislation to strengthen and improve these programs. This is particularly true as schools, child care providers, children and families continue to grapple with health and economic aftershocks from the pandemic.

When Congress votes on its must-pass end of the year spending package during the Lame Duck, child nutrition program priorities must be included in that package. 

Action Needed: Now is the time to weigh in with your Senators to ensure that improving and strengthening child nutrition programs - including expanding Community Eligibility, adding a third meal for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, creating a permanent Summer EBT program, streamlining the Summer Food Service Program to serve children year-round, and modernizing WIC - are all included in an end of the year spending package.

For questions or help reaching out to your Senate offices, contact Vijay Das,, Tim Klipp-Lockhart,, or Ellen Teller,

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  • Don’t leave children off your checklist! [Tag Senators], support a year-end package with #childnutrition programs that strengthen, improve, & expand #freeschoolmeals through #CEP, #afterschoolmeals, & #summermeals, and child care through #CACFP & #WIC.

  • [Tag Senators], investments in our children's health and nutrition need to remain top priorities for Congress, and need to be included in any must-pass end-of-the-year legislation. Hungry children can’t wait.

Food Research & Action Center
1200 18th Street, NW Suite 400 | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 986-2200 |

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