SNAP Coalition Agenda for 9/27 with DTA updates; White House Conference on 9/28; Call your US Reps on Child Nutrition!

We hope you can join us for the next 4th Tuesday of the month SNAP Coalition meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 27th from 10 to 11:30 AM. DTA will be joining us. HERE is the meeting Zoom link.


SNAP Coalition AGENDA for 9/27:


The Agenda will include:

  • Brief federal updates including action steps on Child Nutrition (see below) and the 9/28 White House Conference on Hunger and Nutrition and Health (see below)

  • Public charge: Amplifying USDA’s announcement of the Biden Administration’s “public charge” policy, see USDA letter of 9/13/22 from Deputy Undersecretary Stacy Dean HERE.

  • DTA SNAP updates on a range of topics including: skimming, college students, medical expenses, P-EBT and more!

  • 2023 Priorities: Initial discussion of SNAP policy priorities for the next Administration - especially as the public health emergency sunsets. So please put your wish lists together

  • Announcements! Let us know of your upcoming events, conferences!


Action Alert - Ask Congress to Extend Free Breakfast and Lunch!


The following action alert is from our colleagues at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). Please note that Reps Jim McGovern and Jake Auchincloss are on the bi-partisan letter linked below. We need to get the rest of our MOCs engaged!

From FRAC: House Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Katie Porter (D-CA), and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) led an effort last week that generated a bi-partisan letter from 48 Members of Congress to House and Senate leadership urging an extension of federally-provided school breakfast and lunch to all qualifying schools in the upcoming government budget funding package/the Continuing Resolution. Congress continues work to finalize the Continuing Resolution which must pass before October 1.

It's time to stand up for child nutrition. Please contact your Congressional delegation and ask them to weigh in with Leadership. 

Find your Member here and Senators here; you can locate contact information for your Representative's office on their website, or call the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) and ask to be connected.  Hungry children can't wait. 


White House Conference on Hunger, Wednesday the 28th - Watch live, Listen in!


We are thrilled that a number of MA anti-hunger advocates are attending the WH Conference in person, including from MLRI, Children's HealthWatch, Greater Boston Food Bank, Equitable Spaces and more! (Let us know if you are attending!)  But please know there are many ways to attend and have your voice heard. And if your org is hosting a satellite event, we can share that with Coalition members next Tuesday!


See email from USDA on how to listen in and share ideas.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: USDA Food and Nutrition Service <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 4:15 PM
Subject: HELP SPREAD THE WORD: The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health

White House Conference 
on Hunger, Nutrition and Health

Happening in One Week

White House Conference on Hunger

On Sept. 28, 2022 the Biden-Harris Administration will host the historic White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health — and there is still time to get engaged!

The conference will bring together Americans from all walks of life to help accelerate progress to end hunger, improve nutrition and physical activity, and reduce disparities. Together, we can build a healthier and more equitable future for our nation.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Watch the conference live — and learn about the soon-to-be released National Strategy for ending hunger and reducing diet-related diseases and disparities.
  • Host or find a satellite event like a watch party, town hall, panel discussion, day of service, or fun run. Convene or join an event in your community.
  • Share ideas and stories on hunger or diet-related diseases. The White House wants to hear about your experiences and your solutions for change.


White House Conference Website

Please share the White House conference website with your networks! Interested stakeholders can sign up here for updates:



