HCWG follow up: slides & request for case examples

We had a great Health Care Working Group meeting yesterday- thanks to all those who were able to attend, and to Kathy Melley from Health Care For All for presenting! 
As promised, the slides from Kathy's presentation on HCFA's outreach campaign are attached. 
Also, we asked people to let us know about recent examples of the following: 
  • Economic Impact Payments (pandemic stimulus money) being counted as assets for MassHealth eligibility (they should not be counted as assets during the PHE)
  • Clients caught between MassHealth and DTA, where neither agency will help and both refer the client to the other. 
  • Particularly sympathetic examples of clients not meeting the 10 day aid pending appeal deadline
  • Trouble getting the case file from MCOs in advance of appeals
  • Experience submitting fair hearing requests to MassHealth via email
  • And generally any problematic downgrades or terminations during the PHE
If you have any helpful examples, we'd love to hear them!
Attachment Size
HCFA_MassHealth_Redetermination_Campaign_2022_HCWG.pptx (12.91 MB) 12.91 MB