Invite to Cover All Kids Legislative Briefing

The Children's Health Access Coalition is hosting a Legislative Briefing on the Cover All Kids bill (S.762 An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for children) next Tuesday, April 5 from 1-2pm. 
This bill would ensure that all income-eligible children and young adults have access to comprehensive health benefits, regardless of their immigration status. At the briefing, we'll hear stories from impacted families, and several health care providers, about the harm caused by existing limitations to medical coverage for immigrant children.
There is a lot of momentum behind this bill this session- we need to keep that momentum going, and push this bill to the floor for a vote! Please come show your support- register for the event here to get the zoom link


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Cover_All_Kids_Briefing_Flyer.pdf (1.48 MB) 1.48 MB