Health Care Working Group meeting Wednesay @ 3pm; Public Charge sign-on letter

Our next Health Care Working Group meeting is Wednesday (Oct 13) from 3-4:30pm. I will separately send a calendar invite with zoom information today. 
This meeting will be an open forum on your problematic health access cases, and issues you're encountering. We hope that as a group we can share/ brainstorm successful strategies for resolving each other's issues. 
We'll spend some time talking about issues appearing in imigration cases, signing up new Afghan arrivals, recurring One Care/ SCO issues, and whatever other issues you're encountering in your work. We look forward to talking with you on Wednesday!
In the meantime, a message on public charge: 

PUBLIC CHARGE: Opportunity for feedback to Biden Administration on developing a new public charge rule: Sign on to Protecting Immigrant Families Network comments by Oct 20, 2021

In March 2021, the Biden administration withdrew the harmful public charge regulation which had been published during the prior administration and reinstated the 1999 guidance on public charge.  In August 2021, the Biden Administration published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) asking for feedback to help guide the development of a new regulation on public charge. Public comments on the ANPRM can be submitted until October 22, 2021. The ANPRM is a preliminary step in rulemaking, and will be followed by a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which will offer a second opportunity for public comment. Only after review of these comments is the Administration expected to publish the final regulation. 

Please sign on to the national comments prepared by the Protecting Immigrant Families network.  Here is the link to the PIF comment and to the form to sign on as an organization. Organizational sign-ons are due by October 20, 2021. 

See the attached Q & A from the PIF-MA Coalition for more information on next steps in Public Charge advocacy.


Attachment Size
Q&A_on_Public_Charge_ANPRM_Comments__Oct_7_2021.pdf (300.53 KB) 300.53 KB