1115 Renewal Recommendations on Eligibility & Access


MassHealth has operated under a comprehensive 1115 demonstration since 1997 affecting most of its member under age 65. The current Demo period expires in June 2022 and MassHealth  will be submitting a proposal to renew the current 1115 Demonstration for another 5 years in late spring/early summer 2021. MLRI, HLA and GBLS submitted 10 eligibility and access related recommendations for inclusion as part of the renewal such as continuing many of the COVID-19 flexibilities on a permanent basis including: 3 month retroactive eligibility, 120 day appeal period, greater use of electronic & telephonic signatures, provisional income eligibility, 12-month continuous eligibility, and new proposals to expand access by  extending Medicaid eligibility prior to release of Criminal-Justice involved people, waiving estate recovery for home and communtiy based services, separately reimbursing providers for interpreters, and expanding CommonHealth eligibility.

The link below is to the MassHealth website with more information about the 1115 renewal process.

MassHealth is expecting to release its proposed renewal request for a formal comment period later in the spring of 2021. 

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Section 1115 Recommendations MLRI HLA GBLS 4.15.21.pdf (160.68 KB) 160.68 KB