Feb 12 updates & upcoming events

Feb 12, 2021 Health Update 

Greetings everyone,

Below are several updates & upcoming events for the next two weeks. 

We will not be holding a Health Care Working Group meeting in February, stay tuned for a date in early March.  We are preparing for our annual Health Care Access Basic Benefit Training which will be a live webinar on Feb 25 2020 to go over the basics of qualifying for MassHealth, Health Safety Net and Connector Care and highlight changes in the last year including the many changes related to COVID-19. Flyer attached & more info below.  I hope you will be able to join us. 

Feb 25 Basic Benefit Training: Health Care Access: Live Webcast, Thurs. Feb 25, 2021 9:30 a.m.-4:00 pm

This training is designed to help attendees understand MassHealth, ConnectorCare and other subsidized health programs available to people under age 65 in Massachusetts. This year It will cover key MassHealth changes related to the COVID-19 public health emergency and coverage for COVID testing, treatment and prevention. Trainers will also provide practical troubleshooting tips for resolving common eligibility and access to service problems with MassHealth and the Health Connector.


Beth Baker, Boston Public Health Commission, Boston

Radhika Bhattacharya, Esq., Greater Boston Legal Services, Boston

Andrew Cohen, Esq. Health Law Advocates, Boston 
Hannah Frigand, Health Care for All, Boston

Victoria Pulos, Esq., Mass. Law Reform Institute, Boston

Kate Symmonds, Esq., Mass. Law Reform Institute, Boston

Tuition:   Legal Services, Social Svcs. and Community-Based Org............................ $35.00

All others (e.g., private bar)........................................................................................ $125.00

TO REGISTERgo to https://www.mcle.org/main/MLRI and select your training from the list. Registration must be done through MCLE (not MLRI).

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution    

Feb 12  Gov. Baker announcement via twitter of launch of the COVID-19 Vaccine Finder to make it easier to find vaccination locations including available appointments, site instructions, and directions. Find the tool at http://mass.gov/COVIDvaccine  or https://vaxfinder.mass.gov

Feb 16  Disability Advocates Forum on Vaccine Distribution 

Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) is hosting a forum on Tuesday, February 16 at 1:00 pm for persons with disabilities to share concerns regarding access to vaccines for Covid-19.  We also welcome any positive feedback and best practices on getting a vaccine. Information will be shared with state officials, who also are being invited. Sec Sudders confirmed she will attend.
You can register for this forum here: 



Feb 18  MassHealth Listening Session on 1115 Demonstration Renewal

MassHealth will be holding an 1115 Demonstration Renewal Open Discussion on Thursday, February 18th from 12pm - 1:30pm. Members of the public are welcome to participate, and MassHealth consumers are particularly encouraged to share their thoughts. CART will be provided; please contact Alysa St. Charles (Alysa.StCharles@umassmed.edu) with requests for reasonable accommodation. You are welcome to share this message with your networks. Details on how to join this meeting are included below. For the optimal experience, we strongly encourage you to attend using the Zoom link and platform. 

Zoom Link: https://umassmed.zoom.us/j/95127846240?pwd=blZVcVVDbktscnU0UVFMYkVHMTJsdz09

Meeting Password: 668798

or Dial-in: +1 301 715 8592


Additionally, we welcome written comments, suggestions, and ideas for the next 1115 Waiver, which can be emailed to masshealth.innovations@mass.gov. Please aim to send any input by early March. 


We will be posting updates, including materials from the previous Open Discussion, on the MassHealth Innovations webpage (https://www.mass.gov/masshealth-innovationsshortly.


Feb 24 EOHHS Behavioral Health Road Map Stakeholder Call

Secretary Marylou Sudders will hold a stakeholder call on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:45-10:30 AM to discuss Massachusetts' Roadmap for Behavioral Health Reform: Ensuring the right treatment when and where people need it.


This meeting can be accessed by clicking the link below:

Attendee Registration:



Information about the Roadmap can be found at: www.mass.gov/BHRoadmap


Other News: Health Connector extends open enrollment period to May 23, 2021

The Health Connector recently announced it is continuing Open Enrollment until May 23rd, providing additional time for residents to access affordable, quality health insurance, particularly those hurt by the economic impacts of COVID-19.


·         Massachusetts residents who do not have health insurance have a new opportunity to get coverage through the Health Connector. This includes unsubsidized commercial plans and subsidized coverage (plans with APTC and ConnectorCare plans).


·         Along with people who do not have health insurance, people who are currently in COBRA coverage after losing their jobs can switch to a Health Connector plan during this period.

·         Qualifying for ConnectorCare would represent significant savings for people who are currently paying the full premium for COBRA plans. It is likely that COBRA participants could also find lower-cost plans available without subsidy.


Review the new administrative bulletin


Review the related bulletin from the Division of Insurance (DOI).