Fwd: Food Assistance Resources for MassHealth Members and Understanding MassHealth's Cost Sharing Policy Updates

We are forwarding this notice from the state with links to new flyers informing MassHealth members & providers about available resources for food, and with information about an MTF training on June 2 & 3  on proposed new MassHealth cost-sharing rules scheduled to take effect July 1.  The Notice of proposed rule-making on the cost-sharing rules came out on April 3, 2020: https://www.mass.gov/doc/public-notice-for-130-cmr-450000-administrative-and-billing-regulations-130-cmr-506000-0/download  The proposed rules will begin implementation of income-based caps and exempt people with income of 50% FPL or less from all MassHealth copays; the proposal did not add or increase copays. MLRI, GBLS, HCFA and HLA submitted comments strongly supporting relief from cost-sharing for low income people and making several recommendations for added relief. Comments attached.
We've also posted information on the Health Connector's new mailing address & links to updated Mail-Fax Cover Sheets & a Job Aid showing where to send documents here: https://www.masslegalservices.org/content/new-health-connector-mailing-address
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: MAhealthconnectorUpdates <mahealthconnectortraining@state.ma.us>
Date: Tue, May 26, 2020 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Food Assistance Resources for MassHealth Members and Understanding MassHealth's Cost Sharing Policy Updates
To: <vpulos@mlri.org>
Assister Updates
Important News for Certified Assisters in Massachusetts
May 26, 2020
Food Assistance Resources for MassHealth Members
Understanding MassHealth's Cost Sharing Policy Updates
Food Assistance Resources for MassHealth Members
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of individuals and families across Massachusetts are facing food insecurity, many for the first time. MassHealth, in partnership with other state agencies and food non-profit organizations, has developed a simple guide that your staff can use to help identify MassHealth members who need food assistance and connect them to resources in the community. Those food assistance resources can provide MassHealth members with immediate access to food, as well as recurring financial support for the purchase of food.

Attached are two documents:
We hope that this information will be helpful to MassHealth members you are helping who need food assistance. If you have any questions about these resources, please call the Project Bread FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333.
Understanding MassHealth's Cost Sharing Policy Updates
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) Office of Medicaid (MassHealth) is making changes to limit the amount of cost sharing members pay. This is a two part series; the first virtual MTF session will review the proposed MassHealth's cost sharing changes, how it will be implemented, the timeline for a phased implementation, what's changing, and what members should know. This learning opportunity is intended for those who support MassHealth members.

Attendees of this first virtual MTF session will:
  • Learn about MassHealth's proposed cost sharing changes
  • Hear information about how and when it will be rolled-out
  • Learn about member notices, and member tools and resources
Please click on one of the below dates to register:
Important Links