Shelter And Housing Options For Domestic And Sexual Violence Victims In Massachusetts
On August 8, 2014, the Legislature enacted Chapter 260 of the Acts of 2014, An Act Relative to Domestic
Violence, which created enhanced laws, protections, and responses to domestic violence crimes in
Massachusetts. Section 47 of Chapter 260 created this study commission to assess housing and shelter
options available to domestic and sexual violence victims and recommending ways to expand those
services throughout Massachusetts. Specifically, the statute identified the following areas for the
commission to evaluate:
Existing resources for domestic and sexual violence victims and their families;
Feasibility of providing tax incentives for hotels and motels to offer victims free rooms;
Creating a database for service providers of available housing/shelter options;
Variation of experiences, needs, and outcomes for victims of increased vulnerability who are
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), low-income, minority, or immigrants; and
Best practices of other states on housing alternatives for victims of domestic or sexual violence.