DTA Connect Phase 2 - send DTA documents from a smartphone!!

You or your clients can now use DTA Connect to send documents to DTA!

On Monday DTA released the second phase of DTA Connect, allowing clients to submit documents to DTA directly through the app!!

This is very exciting for our clients who have access to a smartphone. Sending DTA documents through the app is very, very useful because it connects the documents directly to the client's case. This means no one at the Document Management Center needs to look at them- so they can be reviewed more quickly by a DTA worker.

What is DTA Connect?

DTA Connect is a free mobile app that can be downloaded for iPhones at the App store or for Androids on Google play. DTA Connect can be used on a smartphone or tablet (such as an iPad). Once the app is downloaded, clients can log in with their Social Security Number and year of birth to see information about their case.

Clients whose cases are active (open) or pending can log in. Clients whose case is closed but was open in the previous 90 days can also log in. 

DTA Connect includes a lot of case information, such as monthly, EBT card balance and recertification due date, copies copies of notices sent in the previous 90 days and whether documents submitted in the previous 90 days have been processed.

What is new with DTA Connect?

1. Send DTA documents - faster and easier than fax or mail! You can send DTA verifications or documents by taking a picture in the app. When you send the picture through the app, the documents will go directly to the client's case record. This means a DTA worker can look at them much faster than if you fax or mail in documents. Make sure that the photo of the document is well lit and not blurry so DTA can clearly read it!

2. Update DTA with current contact information

  • Tell DTA about a new address or phone number

  • Opt-in or opt-out of text messages from DTA

Note: Currently, DTA Connect also lets a client enter an email address and sign up for eNotification. This means they will no longer get paper notices in the mail. We do NOT encourage this!

3. Ask for a letter verifying the amount of benefits a household gets from DTA. DTA will automatically send the client this letter if requested through the app - no need to call DTA and wait on hold!

How do I use DTA Connect to help my clients?

As a community partner, you can help your clients to see what is going on with their case and to submit documents. Ideally, you can help them use DTA Connect on their own smartphone. But, if your client does not have easy access to a smartphone, you can use your smartphone for up to 3 cases per day. Please note that you should always have a written release form to look at information about a client's case. See attached sample release form in English and Spanish.

TIP: DTA Connect is a great and fast way to send a release form to DTA. For example, if you are on the phone with a client, they can hand write permission for you to talk with DTA about their case on a piece of paper, take a picture of it with their smartphone and send it to DTA through DTA Connect. No need to delay waiting for a release form!

DTA is working to create a DTA Connect for community partners in the next release of the app- stay tuned!

What if my client has concerns about domestic violence and security?

Domestic violence clients with a heightened level of security on their case will not be able to see their case information on DTA Connect. Clients without the heightened level of security but with safety concerns (for example, their abuser has their SSN and year of birth) should contact their local office DTA DV Specialist as soon as possible. 

Where can I get more information?

MLRI's web page on Mass Legal Services. Also attached is a flier from DTA for clients in English and Spanish. If you or your clients have any issues with DTA Connect, please us know!