Operations Bulletin 2015-01: No Form Required for Withdrawal of SNAP Application or Request to Close a SNAP case


When a SNAP client requests that the Department close his or her case, written confirmation is not required. Go to the AU Composition Results page on BEACON and select Reason Category: Admin-TAO and Reason: Requested Closure and wrap-up the transaction. This will generate a Notice of Adverse Action to the client, providing 10 days for a response. Staff must enter a narrative on BEACON noting the request to close the SNAP case and the reason, if known.

An applicant for SNAP benefits may also verbally request to withdraw his or her application; written confirmation is not required.

Cash clients are required to request in writing that their cash case be closed; see 106 CMR 702.140(C). The Voluntary Request to Stop Benefits (VW-1) has been revised. The form is valid for the TAFDC, EAEDC or any combination of cash and SNAP. This form is no longer applicable for SNAP-only cases.

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Operations Bulletin 2015-1 withdrawal SNAP application.pdf (167.75 KB) 167.75 KB