DTA Announces New SNAP Director - Lauren Arms Ledwith!

Hot off the press for those of you not at the SNAP Elder Working group meeting (which Lauren also attended). Miriam Kaufman is the Assistant SNAP Director, who many of you may know as an excellent worker and supervisor for many years. Lauren will be at the July 28th SNAP Coalition meeting as well.  See also changes relative to Regional Director and DV unit. 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mckittrick, Janice (DTA) <janice.mckittrick@massmail.state.ma.us>
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:34 PM
Subject: A Message from Commissioner McCue


Dear Advisory Board Members,

I am thrilled to write to you today to round out the positions included in the recently distributed organization chart that have yet to be announced. These appointments bring years of experience and dedication to our mission. I am confident that they will make great additions to our team.

Lauren Arms Ledwith, SNAP Director

Thousands of Massachusetts families, children, and elders rely on our SNAP program every day. Stewardship of this vital program needs an experienced manager who is able to address issues in a creative manner. Lauren Arms Ledwith has spent 25 years working on SNAP policy – 19 of which were spent here at DTA. Lauren’s policy knowledge, familiarity with our agency, and dedication to our clients is the perfect fit for SNAP Director, and I am delighted that she has accepted the role.

Additionally, Miriam Kaufman, who has been a key DTA staff member, has agreed to step into the role of Assistant SNAP Director. I am excited for Lauren and Miriam to get to work.  

Kate Brown, Regional Director - South

The individuals whom I have asked to serve as Regional Directors are experienced leaders with the ability to motivate those around them. Kate Brown brings her over 30 years of experience in the public, private, and academic sectors back to DTA where she served in a number of roles throughout the 1980s. Kate is a knowledgeable team builder with experience implementing reform initiatives in the human services arena. Her experience as a consultant, public servant, and manager will be an asset to our Field Operations team.

Crystal Jackson, Domestic Violence Unit Director

The individuals who walk through our doors on a daily basis have fallen on incredibly hard times -€“ none more so than those who are facing domestic violence. Crystal Jackson has spent her entire career advocating for victims of domestic violence. Most recently as Domestic Violence Unit Director at the Department of Children & Families, Crystal has served on the front lines as a leader on domestic violence issues. She has spent over 25 years helping to empower families who have experienced domestic violence and ensuring that they receive the supports needed to heal and establish safe and stable circumstances - this proven commitment will benefit our clients greatly.

I have put the current leadership team in place because I believe their collective experience and shared dedication will serve you in our local offices, and through you our clients, admirably. The everyday work of DTA is never waning in importance, and I encourage you to lean on my team and I as you continue to serve those in need.


Jeff McCue, Commissioner