Updated SNAP/ Food Stamp Calculator for October 1st COLA
A number of changes in "SNAP math" went into effect October 1st to implement the annual cost of living adjustments (COLA). The gross, net and 165% income eligibility standards have increased slightly (note that the 200% level has remained the same; this generally changes in the spring, not in October). In addition, the shelter deduction, standard deduction and standard utility allowance (SUA) amounts have all increased as well. These changes were announced in DTA Operations Memo 2011-50, available at: www.masslegalservices.org/content/ops-memo-2011-50-snap-October-2011-annual-cost-living-and-standard-utility-allowances-suas
MLRI has included these changes into the latest versions of the SNAP/ Food Stamp Calculators - two excel spreadsheets that can be used to generate an estimate of the amount of SNAP benefits for SNAP households. The latest versions can be downloaded here, www.masslegalservices.org/SNAPCalculator. The excel spreadsheets work well for folks familiar with the SNAP financial eligibility rules seeking to do quick math calculations and adjustments. We have also revised a SNAP worksheet that you can use to calculate SNAP benefits manually, www.masslegalservices.org/content/food-stamp-snap-calculation-worksheet
For a more client-friendly calculator that walks you through the process in a question and answer format, we recommend the Project Bread SNAP calculator at:
http://www.gettingsnap.org/SNAPCalculator/index.cfm Please call or email if you have questions about the MLRI calculators!