Updated SNAP Calculators and Worksheets for your Advocacy!
The federal Department of Health and Human Services announced a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in the federal poverty level on January 26th. https://aspe.hhs.gov/2012-hhs-poverty-guidelines
This COLA directly affects the SNAP 200% gross income test - the income test which applies to families with children, pregnant women and households with an elder/disabled persons. This COLA increase does not affect the other gross or net income tests or benefit amounts.
MLRI has updated the SNAP calculation worksheet here: https://www.masslegalservices.org/content/food-stamp-snap-calculation-worksheet And the MLRI excel file calculator has also been adjusted, here: https://www.masslegalservices.org/SNAPCalculator
In addition, in case you are hungry for more numbers, here is a link to three at-a-glance worksheets, updated by our terrific intern, Danielle Cruz! You may find them handy in your advocacy to give clients a sense of the benefits based on income, household size and allowable deductions. Note that the actual benefit depends on the client's actual income and expenses - so these are just for general information.