Upcoming webinars on immigrant access
Today, March 31 at 2 pm Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Webinar on Improving Access to COVID Vaccines for Immigrants
On Wednesday, March 31 (2-3 ET), PIF is hosting a webinar titled, Improving Access to COVID Vaccines: Public Policy and Outreach Strategies. Join PIF and advocacy and direct service partners from across the country to learn successful strategies to improve access to and acceptance of COVID vaccines in the immigrant community. Register here.
SAVE the DATE: April 8, 2021 Immigrants and Public Benefits MLRI Annual Basic Benefit Training
This all-day webinar offers the nuts-and-bolts on how immigration status affects eligibility for public benefits. The trainers include both immigration and public benefits legal experts.
This timely training will give you the latest information on the end of the public charge wealth test and what public charge means today, as well as the latest on immigrant eligibility for new benefits under the COVID 19 relief laws and access to COVID 19 testing treatment and vaccine administration. Trainers include advocates experienced in immigration law and public benefits programs from MLRI, GBLS, and MetroWest Legal Services. In addition to benefits related to the COVID 19 pandemic, the benefit programs covered include health, housing and emergency shelter, nutrition and cash assistance.
Registration is through MCLE. Their website has been down. Please save the date, you can register up to and including April 8. We’ll let you know when MCLE website is back up and running.
TO REGISTER: go to https://www.mcle.org/main/MLRI and select your training from the list. Registration must be done through MCLE (not MLRI). Tuition for legal services staff, non-lawyer advocates, social, health and community service providers: $35.00 per person. All Others: $125 per session. If you are a non-profit or community organization registering online, click on “non-lawyer advocate” which will allow you to pay $35.00 for the session.
Keep up to date on COVID 19 changes in health programs by checking out our Table here & a new MLRI paper on health coverage provisions in the American Rescue Plan here