Tool Kit to Fix SNAP Applications Denied for Lack of Interview


Each month many SNAP applicants are denied benefits because they did not have the the required SNAP interview within 30 days from the date of application. Many are denied for this reason even though they tried to reach DTA to have the interview. Between July 2023 and December 2024, 1 in 2 calls to reach a worker on the DTA Assistance Line were automatically disconnected due to high call volume. Many who are able to get through are on hold for 50 minutes or more. 

This ToolKit is for community orgs and individual households to help them both get on SNAP and pursue retroactive SNAP benefits through the fair hearings process. Households have a right to appeal a denial within 90 days of the date of the denial notice. The Toolkit includes a sample DTA denial notice and the state's regulations governing "refusal to cooperate". 106 CMR 361.400 and 361.700