Things to Know about SNAP and Verifications; SNAP Training on Feb 1st!

At the recent Coalition meeting we discussed some SNAP application verifications. Members reported at the meeting, and in emails to MLRI, that "verification checklists" sometimes asking the SNAP applicants for documents that are not required at all, where the information can be self-declared, or where the SNAP worker verify the information directly though government sources.  And, yes, we also see verification checklists (a.k.a. VC-1) asking clients for documents previously faxed or mailed (an ongoing problem that still needs close monitoring). A specific problem with Web applications is that the SNAP application does not allw applicants to give information on shelter, utility or child care costs - leaving the SNAP applicant with no place to "self-declare" this information.  MLRI and many Coalition members urged DTA to amend the Web application so that SNAP applicants have the option to provide shelter and child care information, thereby reducing the need for a separate self-declaration. We have also urged DTA to renew its contract with "The Work Number" to aid in verification of earned income - stay tuned.

Here's a reminder of some of the SNAP verification policies, and links to additional DTA policy guidance:

1. Identity - The SNAP regulations ONLY require verification of identity of the head of household and NOT all household members. 106 CMR 361.610(G). DTA verifies the rest of the household through government data banks using the SSN and other personal information. Further, the SNAP regulations allow the head of household to provide a range of documents to verify identity, not just a birth certificate or photo ID.

2. Unearned income -  DTA has access to the State Verification and Exchange System (SVES). SVES is a portal to certain government data bases that allow DTA to directly verify the amount of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security (RSDI, SSDI), Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Child Support payments collected through the Department of Revenue. (DTA cannot directly verify Veterans Administration information).  Access to this real-time data means SNAP applicants do NOT need to provide a statement from SSA, DUA or DOR about this unearned income unless the information from these government sources is unavailable for some mysterious reason, or there is some discrepancy in the amount claimed by the client and the government source.

3. Shelter costs - DTA SNAP policy allows clients to self-declare rent, utilities, as well as home ownership costs unless questionable (remember - that includes mortgage, interest, insurance, real estate taxes, repairs, etc). A self-dec can be a handwritten statement, filled out on the application or a separate form. Applicants need NOT send in a statement from a landlord, rent receipt, utility bill.

4. Dependent care - Just like shelter costs, child or dependent adult care (including transportation costs) can also be self-declared unless questionable!! A self-declaration can be on the application, or simply a handwritten statement .

5. Verification at recertification -  NONE of the above needs to be verified at recertification unless questionable. A client can self-declare changes in shelter or child care on the recert form itself, and DTA can continue to verify the unearned income through the other government data bases (the SVES sources).

DTA Policy Guidance on Verifications and Self Declaration:

*Dependent care self-declaration, Field Ops Memo 2007-19:  /content/field-ops-memo-2007-19-food-stamp-program-verification-dependent-care-expenses

*Shelter and utility cost self-declaration, Field Ops Memo 2010-29: /node/32460

*Verification of Unemployment Insurance, Field Ops 2010-13:  /node/30088

*Scope of document for identity verification, DTA Hotline Q&A (pg 4): 

*Verifications needed at recertification, Field Ops Memo 2010-03:

*DTA Verification Policies for SNAP and Cash Assistance, Field Ops Memo 2010-55: /node/34678

Still frustrated or confused???  Come to the SNAP/Food Stamps Basic Benefits Training  - Feb 1st:
To learn MORE about the SNAP rules, whose eligible, how you calculate benefits and what is and is not required for verification, MLRI and Mass Continuing Legal Education are hosting a training on Feb 1st.