Special SNAP Coalition Meeting 5/2, Immigrant/Benefits Legislative Briefing 5/2, and SNAP/College Student Webinar 5/4
Thanks to all for attending the SNAP Coalition meeting today. 98 attendees, WOW! Just a reminder, we’ve got THREE important events next week you don’t want to miss! (We will send other resources discussed this AM in a separate email)
- Special SNAP Coalition meeting on fraud/phishing: Tuesday, May 2 - from 10 to 11 on Zoom. This is a special meeting for DTA to share important updates on how they are addressing various fraudulent efforts (eg. phishing). Please tune in if you are available. Zoom link for this important special meeting here.
- Feeding Our Neighbors Legislative Briefing: Tuesday, May 2 - from Noon to 1 PM in person at the Senate Reading Room, State House followed by Lobby Day activities. Join State Senator Sal DiDomenico, State Rep Tony Cabral and Judith Garcia as well as physicians, La Colaborativa staff and others to learn about the Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign to secure state-funded benefits for legally present immigrants. Register HERE.
- SNAP and College Students post Pandemic Webinar: Thursday, May 4: From 11 AM to noon. MLRI and DTA will discuss a) the long standing MA rules that help most low-income college students qualify for SNAP - even though the public health emergency (PHE) is ending; b) the SNAP household composition rules, c) the end of the extra boosted SNAP during Covid (emergency allotments) and the temporary state boosted benefits; and d) ways SNAP households can boost their SNAP or access HIP or other benefits. This is for colleges, students, anti-hunger orgs. Please register HERE
And don’t forget, National CALL IN DAY tomorrow (April 26th) in opposition to proposed cuts to SNAP and safety net benefits in the Debt Ceiling deliberations See FRAC Action Page with talking points HERE.