SNAP Policy Updates, Child and Family Tax Credit Org Sign-On Letter, Project Bread Council of Experts & Upcoming State House Events

We have a number of important SNAP policy updates and four important events.

SNAP and cash access for New Arrivals from sister states:

At the last Coalition meeting, we discussed the problem of immigrant families who recently moved to MA from sister states (FL, PA, NJ, others) and who were receiving TANF cash or SNAP benefits in the former states. While it is true that households cannot receive SNAP or cash benefits from two states at the same time, closing a case in a former state can be very challenging. This is especially true for persons who are limited English proficient, unfamiliar with how states administer federal benefits and/or unable to reach anyone in the former state to close their prior case. Many online benefits portals are also very hard to navigate. 

We’ve heard that some DTA offices are telling new applicants they must produce a notice of case closure from the former state in order to open a MA cash or SNAP case. This is not totally correct. If a family has difficulty reaching a sister state to either confirm the case status and/or to close their case, DTA should help.The DTA Ombuds Office confirmed at our last Coalition meeting that DTA workers have access to a National Directory of Contacts - state agency contacts across the U.S. they can reach out to. Additionally, if an out of state case is still open, DTA could offer to fax or send by secure email a written request from a family to formally close an open out of state case. MLRI, GBLS, MIRA, MCH and other orgs have flagged this issue with the Healey Administration (including where it surfaces in MassHealth and EA shelter cases), urging them to develop better protocol ASAP. 

Action Step: Please let Pat Baker at MLRI know if you are aware of any new arrival households denied SNAP or cash benefits,

DTA sending notice to some SNAP households about lawsuit settlement:

In last Friday’s Coalition eblast, we included a copy of the DTA notice sent to over 11,000 families whose SNAP cases were closed for a period of time since August of 2019. SNAP recipients have a right to use their SNAP benefits outside Massachusetts. In the past, DTA cut off SNAP benefits to some recipients who used their SNAP in another state and did not send DTA proof they were still a Massachusetts resident. Some SNAP recipients, represented by MLRI, filed a lawsuit for themselves and other people who used their SNAP out-of-state. 

MLRI and DTA have recently reached a tentative settlement in the lawsuit. The next step in this process is for there to be a hearing with a judge to approve the settlement. In the meantime, class members have a right to oppose the settlement. Those households were all mailed a notice of settlement on July 3. More information on this lawsuit and the notice send to impacted households is HERE:

Action step: If you hear from any families who got the DTA notice, please refer them to MLRI. They can call MLRI at  (857) 241-1736 or email MLRI at: 

Child and Family Tax Credit-  Organizational Sign on Letter, Deadline TODAY:

Massachusetts is on the brink of passing major expansions to state family tax credits this year. A conference committee comprising members of the House and Senate is currently reconciling the differences between each chamber’s tax proposals. Now is a critical moment to urge members to include the House's more robust Child and Family Tax Credit in its final bill.

Action Steps: The Healthy Families Tax Credits Coalition, led by Children’s HealthWatch, is circulating an organizational sign-on letter in support of the House Child and Family Tax Credit proposal, which will ultimately provide a benefit of $600/dependent, indexed to inflation. The letter text and sign-on form are here. The deadline for signatures is Monday, July 17th. 

For individual advocacy, please use our one-click VoterVoice email tool to let your legislator know that you support a $600 Child and Family Tax Credit or consider sending a letter directly to conference committee members using this template.

Project Bread Council of Experts:

Project Bread is building a Council of Experts with Lived Experience. The council will work closely on Project Bread's key initiatives, including the Plan to End Hunger in Massachusetts.Project Bread is inviting individuals to contribute their expertise and co-create solutions that will make it easier for others living in Massachusetts to access and afford food with dignity. If you are interested or know anyone with lived expertise who would like to join the council, check out their Council of Experts webpage here (information available in other languages), or contact Catlina Lopez-Ospina directly: 


Four Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, July 11th - Rally outside of State House  A Coalition of Healthcare and Community Workers for Migrants and Asylum-Seekers are rallying tomorrow, July 11th from Noon to 1:30 PM in front of the State House to urge the government (state and federal) to provide a swifter response to the growing number of unhoused new arrivals in Massachusetts, many of whom are sleeping on the floors of hospitals and health centers or other spaces that are unsafe and inappropriate for children and pregnant women. We urge you to attend this rally if you are in or near Boston.

  • Wednesday, July 12th Feeding Our Neighbors Lobby Day! Join the Feeding Our Neighbors Coalition at the State House from 10 to Noon to urge Senators and State Reps to co-sponsor the Feeding Our Neighbors Legislation and supporting funding during FY24 to address the growing need. We will be gathering in room 405 at 10 AM. Please let Pat Baker or Hiba Senja know if you can join in!

  • Tuesday, July 18th - Hunger Free Campus bill hearing before Joint Committee on Higher Education. Join the Hunger Free Campus Coalition for a lobby day/hearing on July 18th at the State House (Room A-1)

  • Tuesday July 25th - Digital Equity Program (by Zoom) from 10 to 11:30 AM. MLRI invites you to an interactive program on digital access, education, and connectivity. Speakers will discuss efforts across the Commonwealth to further digital equity that directly benefit the people and communities with whom we work and highlight resources for individuals and organizations including civil legal aid programs and our network of nonprofit partners. Register HERE