SNAP Defense Work Continues: Deadline for National Sign-on Letter TODAY, Talking Points for Defense; Updated/Corrected MOC SNAP data

C’mon Massachusetts - we can do this. Let’s dial it up.

National sign on letter to protect SNAP - DEADLINE today, Feb 28th!

Our colleagues at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) told us last night they have over 1,000 orgs signed on and at least 122 MA orgs in national sign-on letter to protect SNAP: Use this form to sign on your organization to protect SNAP, our largest anti-hunger program. SNAP is also a key pathway to ensuring access to school meals and other child nutrition programs, like Summer EBT. As of yesterday, we had 122 MA orgs. Let’s get to 150! Deadline to add your org: TODAY, Friday, Feb 28th!

Outreach to your MOC and sister states: Talking points and social media

We have a great delegation, but hearing from YOU helps keep them strong. Please continue to be in touch with your Congressperson and with Senators Markey and Warren. It really helps them to share the volume of concerns from constituents with their colleagues that their emails and phone lines have been flooded. Please ALSO reach out to family and friends in sister states, urge them to reach out to their MOC (Member of Congress). Everything now is on the line!

Thanks to our colleagues at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, here’s a Google doc with talking points and social media graphics that you can use in your calls, in letters to the editor and social media. And here's the 2/25 CPBB report again that details the possible cuts and data on the potential impact of what the GOP proposed cuts to SNAP would mean for each state.

Corrected SNAP Household/Purchase Data by MOC Zip:

With apologies, we sent you incorrect data on the number of SNAP households and transactions by Congressional District. The state's SNAP data by zip code is correct, but the tagging of zip codes in each of our 9 MOC Districts was incorrect. We initially got bad MOC/zip data using an uncredentialed source but were able to pull what we believe are more accurate MOC zips from a public facing geocoder tool.

  • Attached is the revised SNAP by MOC district chart.
  • Here's the Excel file with two tabsa) the zip, city/town, SNAP cases/clients/EBT spending and b) the chart again with aggregate MOC district data. (Note, some MOC districts may share zip codes.)