Sign-on Letters re: MassHealth 1115 amendment requests

We look forward to seeing you at our March Health Care Working Group meeting tomorrow, (Wed) 3-4:30pm. Scroll down for zoom information, which should also be in your calendar. 


Meeting agenda: 

1. Proposed PCA cuts 

2. Independent Assessment Entity (IAE) for MassHealth LTSS services

3. Updates regarding end of MassHealth unwinding period 


Dennis Heaphy (Disability Policy Consortium) and Bill Henning (Boston Center for Independent Living) will be attending our meeting to discuss the Governor's proposed cuts to the PCA program, as well as MassHealth's alarming RFR regarding an Independent Assessment Entity. 


PCA cuts: The Governor's FY25 budget proposed significant cuts to MassHealth's Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program: imposing an eligibility threshold of needing at least 10 hours of PCA services (ADL support) per week, and capping time for meal prep at 7 hours per week (down from the current recommendation of 13, with no cap). The disability advocacy community has been advocating against these cuts, attending budget hearings, and most recently rallying in front of the statehouse.  


Independent Assessment Entity: MassHealth is seeking a single "independent assessment entity" to centralize assessment and eligibility determinations for five LTSS services (Adult Day Health, Day Hab, Adult Foster Care, Group Adult Foster Care and the PCA program), as well as the assessments used in PACE, SCO, and One Care. Stakeholder advocates are deeply concerned about this effort and have responded with united and forceful pushback. You can read more about this in our last health announcement