Securing the Future in Aging - Lobby Day on Tuesday, June 12th - Join the sea of blue !!

We know there is a LOT of news going on, just wanted to remind you about the upcoming Lobby Day at the State House on Tuesday, June 12th - Securing the Future in Aging.  
The event starts at 9:30 AM with presentations starting at 10:30 AM and lobby activities on important bills and budget amendments that impact low-income older adults throughout the morning and early afternoon.  Here's a link to the AARP announcement. 
MLRI is proud to join AARP, Mass Senior Action Council, Mass Councils on Aging and many other fabulous state organizations that work with older adults in support of this State House event.  
Below is a pix from the Mass Senior Action (MSAC) North Shore Chapter Facebook page with MSAC members in MSAC blue shirts totally pumped to Bridge the Healthcare Gap!! June 12-State House get ready, Sea of Blue is on the way!!
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