Reminder - SNAP Coalition Meeting TOMMORROW - July 23rd

ICYMI - tomorrow is the LAST SNAP Coalition meeting before the 4th Tuesday in September.   Just popping this email from Friday back into your inbox with the Zoom link

Coalition meeting Tuesday, July 23 - last Coalition meeting until September!

Our next Coalition meeting is this upcoming Tuesday, July 23, from 10-11:30 AM. Zoom link here.

Reminder that we do not have a Coalition meeting in August - this will be our last meeting until September 24! 


The AGENDA will include:


  • State Budget - final update/action steps on FY25 Conference Report just released re key nutrition and cash items including Lift our Kids grant increase, HIP, Hunger Free Campus, Universal School Meals. 

  • Fall activities: Strategies to engage/inform state legislators/candidates (in non-partisan ways) on anti-hunger priorities before 2026 Legislative Session starts

  • Farm Bill mini-update - what’s happening/not happening in Congress and strategies to keep our MA Delegation engaged in fighting to defend /strengthen SNAP

  • DTA policy updates:

    • Final State SNAP payment for immigrant families - to be issued July 30th 

    • Summer EBT overview: First payment 7/25, what to know now 

    • Update on DTA Assistance Line, and access issues etc 

    • Reminder re recent updates to DTA Connect’s My Info page - see Online Guide updates HERE. 

  • Presentation on Worcester Community Food Assessment (Casey Burns!). See WBUR story here  and report here

  • Other updates/announcements