Reminder re 7/28 Food SNAP Coalition meeting; MLRI statement and Guv Baker action on Dobbs v Jackson Supt Ct decision

This is a gentle reminder of our June 28th SNAP Coalition meeting from 10 to 11 AM tomorrow.  Here is the Zoom link.
AGENDA: We will be joined by DTA to give important updates on SNAP and Head Start, SNAP ET childcare, a new SNAP medical expense policy and more!  The Greater Boston Food Bank will also present recent food insecurity data and Project Bread will give a brief update on the state universal school meals campaign and the Keep Kids Fed Act that just passed in Congress. Looking forward to seeing you.
MLRI statement on Reproductive Rights/Dobbs v Jackson:  Last Friday, 7/24/22 MLRI's Exec Director Georgia Katsoulomitis issued a statement now posted HERE in response to the devastating Supreme Court Decision ending Roe v Wade, "a stunning reversal of legal precedent and the loss of a constitutional right that has been protected for almost half a century." And she concludes: "MLRI stands in solidarity with the many organizations in Massachusetts and nationally that have been relentlessly fighting to protect access to safe reproductive health services for all women. The fight is not over."  We stand with all of you as we weigh the devastating impact of this decision, especially on low-income women and communities of color.  
Governor Baker issues E.O. 600 on Reproductive Rights: On Saturday, Governor Charlie Baker issued Executive Order 600, see Baker Admin press release. As the Governor noted< "The Commonwealth has long been a leader in protecting a woman’s right to choose and access to reproductive health services, while other states have criminalized or otherwise restricted access....This executive order will further preserve that right and protect reproductive health care providers who serve out of state residents."  
Breathe, reflect, focus, organize!