RAFT (Residential Assistance for Families in Transition) up and running


RAFT provides housing assistance up to $3,000 to families at risk of homelessness. Attached is a description of the program, income eligibility guidelines for 2004, and a list of the regional agencies distributing the money.

As you may have anticipated, there has been an overwhelming interest in the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) homelessness prevention program. This program has been designed to assist families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness so that they canretain their housing, obtain new housing, or otherwise avoid homelessness. Funded at$2 million, this Department of Housing and Community Development program will be administered by the regional nonprofit housing agencies' Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCECs). Families can apply for assistance with first/last months' rent, security deposits, rent arrearages, utility arrearages, mortgage payments, moving expenses, and other expenses that may threaten housing stability. To follow up on our previous alert, RAFT will be up and running within the next few weeks (in late September). Families and advocates can contact the HCEC that covers their region for further information or an application. Attached is a list ofthe Housing Consumer Education Centers (including contact information and the cities/towns covered by each) and a chart of the RAFT program income limits by family size (130% of the federal poverty level).For more information (including information on the eligibilitycriteria), please contact Kelly Turley at 781-595-7570 x17.

Attachment Size
EAandRAFTincomelimits_2004fpl.doc (26.5 KB) 26.5 KB
HCECserviceareas-RAFT.doc (43 KB) 43 KB