Quincy, Brockton offices open Sat AM for PIN help

Please see an update message on skimming from DTA, below. Most urgently- Note that the Quincy and Brockton offices will be open tomorrow, Sept 3, from 9-1, for those who need in-person help changing their PIN. 
I am forwarding the email below on behalf of Alana Davidson, Director of Communications, DTA. 





Last week DTA provided several updates related to skimming scams and how the agency is working to protect benefits.


Several updates to our plan:

  • To ensure the best customer service experience for clients, DTA has spread this out over a few weeks and is separating each group/catchment area into two days.
    • The Nubian Square catchment area will be the middle of next week.
    • DTA’s Brockton and Quincy local offices will again be open this Saturday from 9am to 1pm to help clients change their PIN, as these areas have already had cardholders required to change their PIN and because SNAP emergency allotments will be available tomorrow Friday 9/02. DTA will be notifying clients in these areas via text.


Thanks to your hard work and efforts, and those of our dedicated staff, last week and this week we have seen a large number of clients changing their EBT card PINs. Foot traffic in our Brockton, Quincy, Taunton and Nubian Square offices continue to be steady, as well as our call volume.


As always, thank you for your continued partnership in serving residents of the Commonwealth and collaboration in protecting their benefits from scams so households can put food on the table and meet their basic needs.