POMS on SSA Codes for Disability Claims


GN 01050.009 DIB and DIB Auxiliary Paid Out of the Disability Insurance Trust Fund

The prefix letter “H” identifies a benefit paid out of the Disability Insurance Trust Fund.

Therefore, the proper claim symbols should be shown as follows:

000-00-0000 HA-DIB
  HB-Wife (whose entitlement or benefit amount in the first month of entitlement is not dependent on
having a child in her care)
  HB2-Wife (whose entitlement or benefit amount, in the first month of entitlement , is dependent on having a child in her care)
  HB6-Divorced Wife
  HBY-Husband of disabled NH (whose entitlement or benefit amount in the first month of entitlement is dependent upon having a child in his care)
  HC1-Child (including disabled or student child-subscript always