Please ask your legislators to co-sponsor Cover All Kids

Hello all, and happy Monday! A real quick action alert on the Cover All Kids legislation:


Please contact your legislators TODAY and ask them to co-sponsor Cover All Kids.


In July, the Cover All Kids bills had a hearing before the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. Fourteen people provided oral testimony and over 20 submitted written testimony in support of the Cover All Kids bills.


Now we are working with the bill’s lead sponsors, Senator DiDomenico and Representative Rogers, to build momentum for the most comprehensive version of the bill. An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for children (S. 762/H. 1309) expands full MassHealth coverage to all otherwise eligible residents under age 21, regardless of immigration status. The bill would help over 30,000 young immigrants in the Commonwealth access crucial care that is out of reach for them today. We need your help to build support in the legislature and show the committee leadership that Cover All Kids should move forward in the process. Please ask your legislators to co-sponsor the bill today.