PCA Training for Advocates- May 4; next Health Care Working Group

In lieu of an April Health Care Working Group meeting, MLRI is hosting a PCA Training for Advocates on May 4 at 10am (see below, and attached flyer for more information). Our next Health Care Working Group meeting will be late May- stay tuned for more info on that later. 
May 4, 10:00-11:30am
We hope that you'll come to (and spread the word about) our Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Training for Advocates! This training will cover the basics of MassHealth's PCA program, which is unique in its structure and operation; and how to help consumers appeal decisions regarding their PCA hours with the Board of Hearings, one of the most common types of MassHealth appeals.
MassHealth's PCA program is a critical resource for MassHealth members needing help with activities of daily living to continue living independently at home. When a consumer's PCA hours are reduced, it can be critical to their health and safety to appeal to the Board of Hearings to restore those hours. This training will provide the foundational knowledge an advocate needs to help consumers with PCA appeals. 
We'll be learning from our expert panelists: 
  • Peter Cronis, Senior PCA Skills Trainer at Boston Center for Independent Living
  • Courtland Townes III, PCA Program Manager at Boston Center for Independent Living 
  • Nancy Lorenz, Senior Attorney at Greater Boston Legal Services
  • Kara Hurvitz, Staff Attorney at Health Law Advocates
Register for the training here, and please pass this along to your colleagues and any other advocates who might be interested. 
Attachment Size
PCA_Training_Flyer.pdf (1.36 MB) 1.36 MB