Ops Memo 2014-61: Back-Scanning Update


Operations Memo 2014-58: TAFDC, EAEDC, and SNAP - Back-Scanning of Permanent Verification and Indexing of All Documents by Household Member introduced a change in how client documents are indexed and stored electronically in DTA myWorkspace (MWS). It also advised staff of the Department’s plan to back-scan permanent verifications currently stored in paper case records, beginning with those in active SNAP-only case files.
Both changes were implemented in an effort to avoid over-verification and make permanent documents readily available to staff as the Department moves toward the goal of paperless case files.

Purpose of Memo
Based on lessons learned from the first cluster of offices that back-scanned permanent documents, changes have been made to the process. The purpose of this Operations Memo is to advise staff of:

  • changes to the Ricoh back-scanning coversheet used to link verifications to be scanned with the household member to whom they correspond;
  • a change to the final disposition of verifications scanned as part of the back-scanning project;
  • the use of a new Chain of Custody tracking document to be used to track the whereabouts of documents during the back-scanning process; and
  • changes to the back-scanning project schedule.
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OM 2014-61.pdf (136.55 KB) 136.55 KB