Ops Memo 2014-41: Implementation of eNotification


Effective with BEACON Build 46.3, scheduled for June 16, 2014, the Department will implement an optional eNotification initiative. eNotification is a faster and cost effective way for the  Department to communicate with clients by informing them by email when notices and forms are available on their My Account Page (MAP) for viewing, downloading and printing. With the exception of certain notices and forms, the Department will no longer mail participating clients paper notices.

To participate, a client must be the head of household and have an email address and internet access. Certain clients, such as those without an EBT card, will not be eligible for eNotification. Participation in eNotification is completely voluntary.

Purpose of Memo
The purpose of this memo is to inform TAO staff about:

  • the updated eNotification Opt-in/Opt-out Voluntary Participation Form;
  • case manager responsibilities; and
  • BEACON functionality and client responsibilities.

Obsolete Memo
This Operations Memo obsoletes Operations Memo 2013-62: TAFDC, EAEDC, and SNAP: Preparation for Implementation of eNotification. The attachment that accompanied Operations Memo 2013-62, eNotification Optin/Opt-out Voluntary Participation Form (Attachment A) has been updated.

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OM 2014-41_0.pdf (1011.03 KB) 1011.03 KB