Ops Memo 2014-05: SNAP Revised Paper Applications, Recertification and Annual Reporting Forms


The Department has updated the paper versions of both the SNAP Benefits Application (hereafter called Regular App) and the Simplified SNAP Application for Elderly Applicants (hereafter called Elderly App). This is based on a USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) evaluation of the Department’s SNAP applications and because of new agency initiatives, including Electronic Document Management.

Many of the additions can be found in the Rights, Responsibilities and Penalties notice. Additionally, this Operations Memo informs TAO staff about updates to four SNAP forms: the Recertification Form, the Elderly Disabled Recertification Form, the Annual Report and the Interim Report.

All changes made to paper versions of the application forms have also been made to downloadable versions on DTA’s website. Updates to the Spanish and Portuguese language versions of the applications have been made and versions in additional languages are forthcoming. The revised applications will be available from Policy Online in the Online Forms folder and from DTA’s website during the first week of February. Offices will be notified prior to the distribution of the paper applications.

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