Operations Bulletin 2015-02: Verification of Over-the-Counter Medication


A household that includes an elderly or disabled member, as defined in 106 CMR 361.210, is allowed a medical deduction when the elderly or disabled household member incurs monthly un-reimbursed medical expenses in excess of $35 a month.

DTA recently received clarification from the FNS about the verification of out of pocket costs associated with over-the-counter (OTC) medication, medical supplies and medical equipment that have been approved by a licensed practitioner or other qualified health professional. To receive credit for these OTC expenditures, a client need only provide proof of the incurred expense(s), such as copies of receipts, bills or rental agreements. Do not require a client claiming such medical costs to obtain a letter or documentation from a licensed practitioner or other qualified health professional, unless the information is questionable.

For example, a client with acid reflux who has been advised by his doctor to take antacid tablets only need show a copy of the receipt for the purchase of said tablets, not a prescription or letter from the doctor advising him to take the OTC medication.

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