OLGT 2019-28: Cross Program: RSDI Garnishments


Many DTA clients receive RSDI as a source of income. To ensure program integrity and streamline verification processes, this information is updated in BEACON through the Beneficiary & Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX) with the Social Security Administration. 

Anticipated for June 8, 2019, BENDEX will update case records with the gross RSDI amount instead of the net RSDI amount. This will ensure accurate case files and benefit calculations when garnishments or other deductions are present in a case. 

You must not touch the RSDI amount when the case is pending as the correct gross amount has been batched in. Existing cases will be automatically recalculated and released. However, if a case is pending at application, Recertification, Interim Report, or Revaluation, the case will not automatically recalculate and release. These cases will pend until the caseworker manually wraps the case.

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