OLGT 2017-112 - Updates to ABAWD Work Program Exemptions


Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) are limited to 3 months of eligibility for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits during a 36-month period, unless the client is exempt or meets the ABAWD Work Program (WP) requirement.  The population to whom the Resident of a Waived Area and 15% Exemption reasons are applied is changing effective January 1, 2018. Due to improvements in the unemployment rate and job availability, many currently waived cities and towns will no longer qualify for a waiver. The list of waived areas has been updated. Additionally, Central Office Employment and Training (E&T) specialists have new criteria that must be used to assign the 15% exemption reason. 



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OLGT 2017- 112 ABAWD work program exemption.pdf (184.91 KB) 184.91 KB