OLGT 2016-05: SNAP - Extension of Simplified Reporting Phase II,12-Month and 6-Month Certification Periods


DTA changes to expand Simplified Reporting for nonpublic assistance (NPA) SNAP households.  In November 2015, DTA implemented Simplified Reporting for elder/didsabled households eligible for a 24-month certification period (SIMP-24).  With the new BEACON update, DTA is expanding Simpified Reporting to two new certification types: SIMP-6 households are those households that include at least one Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent (ABAWD) member.  SIMP-12 households are households that do not include an elder/disabed household member and are not ABAWD households. These households typically have earned income, mixed income types and/or mixed household composition.  

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